"Seni tanıyorum!"
"Ne kadar?"
"Nasıl yaralayabileceğimi bilecek kadar."
The truth is, we die a little more with every disappointment. Every happiness makes us live a little more. We are like warriors looking for the light in the shadow of our thoughts. We are looking for the right path for ourselves, but we cannot find it exactly. Something is always missing.
We look for a meaning in the eyes we look at, but we cannot find it. We expect someone to love us for who we are, but it just doesn't happen. It's always better to be alone than to go alone. Thus, just as everyone experiences death alone, perhaps the essential thing is to experience life alone. The peace of mankind is in his inner solitude.
"My soul, my home. If you're going to give me peace, my soul is your home." We can wait centuries before we can even say that to someone. Even though there are billions of people on earth, it is very difficult to find the person you can invite into your soul. So when you find it, listen to what he/she wants before you lose it.
If you feel love, it means you are still alive. Love is your breath. Even if you continue on your way alone...
Bir pencerenin önünde takılıp kaldım.
Dışarı sızan kör bir ışık,
Bodrum kattaki evde;
Sininin etrafında dört oğlan,
Bir de anne.
Ekmeklerin bandırıldığı
Tek bir tencere.
Kirli perdeler,
Üç beş kırık eşya,
Hızla bandırılıp yutulan lokmalar,
Ardı ardına, bir kovalayan varmışcasına
Doyma telaşı.
Birkaç pantolon,
Birkaç elbise asılı
Pencerenin paslı demirlerinde.
Öylesine yıkanmış,
Öylesine yıpranmış,
Sanki buruşturulup bir kenara atılmış
Bezgin umutların gölgesinde.
Hayat eskimiş,
Zaman eskimiş,
Yürüyüp geçmişiz hepimiz
Pencerenin önünden.
Pencerelerin önünden.
Yürüyüp gidiyoruz,
Hayatın içinden.
My heart wants to beat like the wings of the bird that rise. I hear the sounds of the forest. You exist in the softness of winds, You exist ...